The Project: Our web app helps companies you've heard of like Microsoft X-Box, Colgate Toothpaste, Wrigley Gum, and Mercedes-Benz make better products for consumers. It does this by connecting our customers that make consumer products to our vendors that make innovative materials and technologies like gel magnets, tension sensing rope, and stainless steel yarn. Think of us like a dating site for technology seekers and sellers. The internet makes lots of information available but it's really challenging and time consuming to source new materials. Our mission is to make it SIMPLE to source and sell these cool technologies globally. The first phase will be taking our current web app written in ASP and doing a re-write in Ruby on Rails using TDD. The reason we are doing the re-write is we want to clean up the code base and set it up to quickly make improvements customers care about without breaking legacy code. The second phase will be to make improvements we've identified need to happen by observing our customer behavior. The third phase will be to build a sister application to our current app - we'll tell you more about that later. The Challenges: We'll get into the details later but at a high level: * Interface interface interface - If it's not obvious we don't have a solution - we need to make it super simple. * Scale - How do we get massive scale with our application? * Speed - Our stated goal is
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