
Design and maintain databases and database solutions that operate within prescribed resource limits and, meet company standards. Participate in and contribute to all phases of systems development projects. Monitor and tune database and database application performance. A skills: Working knowledge of two or more of the following technologies: 2+ years experience with DB2 or IDMS in an OS/390 environment. 2+ years experience with DB2, Informix, or Sybase on Solaris. 2+ years experience with SQL Server on an NT platform. Experience with Embarcadero/similar tools (E/R Studio, DBArtisan, and Schema Manager). Experience with BMC tools for DB2 (Change/Catalog Manager, MainView, Log Master). Proficient with coding and review of SQL, stored procedures, and triggers. Logical and Physical Data Modeling experience is required B skills: Basic Java, REXX, or C++ skills a plus Also should have: 5+ years experience developing and maintaining complex applications that make extensive use of a supported database technology or 2+ years experience as an associate DBA. Well versed in all phases of Systems Analysis and Design Experienced in two or more programming languages and two or more scripting languages. Practiced at Entity/Relationship or Object modeling and translation to physical database designs. Proficient in DML, DDL, and database utilities for at least two DBMS technologies. Proficient in all access methods of a DBMS as well as the underlying operating system access methods. Knowledge of hardware and operating system capabilities within one environment Understanding of all software subsystems (DBMS, TP Managers, etc.) for one environment. Please forward your resumes to Contact No: 214-329-9199 DB2 or IDMS, Informix, or Sybase on Solaris, SQL Server Apply directly at: ?jobref=927236&referer=gad To Apply to this job go to http://www.GadBall.com or click here